Message from Donna Jones - Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
This survey is to gather your views on whether there should be an increase in the level of council tax which you pay in support of policing, to ensure continued investment in Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. The survey will close at 11.59pm on Sunday 10 December 2023. Link to survey: Precept 2024/25: HIOW OPCC ( Inflation pressures remain higher than the government target. The biggest pressures on police budgets are police officer and staff wage increase and the cost of items such as fuel and the purchase of police cars and uniforms. These items have increased the costs of running the police force over the last 12 months. For the last financial year, the increase in council tax funded the recruitment of 50 more police officers to keep communities safe, in addition to the 600 new officers pledged when I was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner in 2021. In total, that’s 650 extra police officers; the force’s biggest ever recruitment drive. Increasing the number of police on your streets has always been my number one priority in my Police and Crime Plan. To further increase police visibility, 10 more police stations will open over the next 18 months meaning there will be a police station with a public front counter in every district. As Police Commissioner, I know you want to see more officers in your communities and you want stations to be open to report crimes. I set money aside in the 2023-24 budget to achieve this. This year, the government announced a 7% pay rise for police officers and the same for police staff. Whilst the government has provided additional funding to assist with some of the cost of the pay award, there has been no additional government support for the high inflation increases on non-pay expenditure which we must take into account. The Chief Constable’s sharp focus on providing excellent neighbourhood policing and my commitment for all communities to have named ‘Local Bobbies’ by December 2023 is setting the force up to tackle community priorities and ensure officers are seen on your streets more than ever before. This is a trajectory we want to stay on. How much you want to contribute to policing for the next financial year helps me ensure the force delivers the service you expect. Your views on where you want your money to go and which crimes matter to you the most is vital. That’s why it’s so important that you complete this short survey and have your say. The survey is open for five weeks in order to hear from as many people as possible. Contributions are based on a band D property, which means you will pay less if your property is a band A-C and more if it is a band E-H. If you are not sure which council tax band your property is in, you can check at Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback. Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones
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